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Welcome To Hidalgo County
Appraisal District
Truth in Taxation
Truth in Taxation

Visit Texas.gov/propertytaxes to find a link to your local property tax database on which you can easily access information regarding your property taxes, including information regarding the amount of taxes that each entity that taxes your property will impose if the entity adopts its proposed tax rate. Your local property tax database will be updated regularly during August and September as local elected officials propose and adopt the property tax rates that will determine how much you pay in property taxes.

Follow the instructions below to register to receive notifications regarding updates to the property tax database:

1. Navigate to https://hidalgo.countytaxrates.com/tax in your web browser
2. Search for a property
3. Click view
4. Click "Subscribe to Notifications" button located in the top right hand corner of the page
5. Enter your information, agree to receive email notifications, click confirm

You may request the same information from the assessor of each taxing unit for your property by
requesting their contact information from your county’s assessor at:

Hidalgo County Tax Office
Pablo "Paul" Villarreal, Jr.
2804 S. Business Hwy 281
Edinburg, Tx 78539
Phone: (956) 318-2157

SB2 Circuit Breaker
SB2 Circuit Breaker Limitation

Beginning in 2024, all real property valued at $5,000,000 or less will have a 20 percent circuit breaker cap on the appraised value, with the exclusion of land receiving the agriculture-use special appraisal and homestead properties that receive the 10 percent limited appraised value cap.

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Important Reminders

Our Staff

HCAD Administration
Rolando Garza
Rolando Garza
Chief Appraiser
Fax (956) 289-2120
Jorge Gonzalez
Jorge Gonzalez
Asst. Chief Appraiser
Fax (956) 289-2120
Brent Cavazos
Brent Cavazos
Associate Chief Appraiser
Fax (956) 289-2120
Lydia Elizondo
Lydia Elizondo
Finance/Personnel Director
Fax (956) 289-2120
George Gandara
George Gandara
Data Processing Manager
Fax (956) 289-2120
Leopoldo Olivarez
Leopoldo Olivarez
Supervisor – GIS/Mapping
Fax (956) 289-2123
Diego Espinoza
Diego Espinoza
Supervisor – Market Analysis
Fax (956) 289-2122
Rolando Mejia
Rolando Mejia
Supervisor – Personal Property
Fax (956) 289-2122
Blanca Perez
Blanca Perez
Supervisor – Property Records
Fax (956) 289-2193
Javier A. Gonzalez
Javier A. Gonzalez
Supervisor – Real Estate
Fax (956) 289-2121

Important Reminders

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