August 16, 2023

Taxpayer Liaison Officer

Lydia Elizondo
Taxpayer Liaison Officer

Contact Information:
(956) 381-8466

Tamara Garcia
Deputy Taxpayer Liaison Officer

Contact Information
(956) 381-8466

The taxpayer liaison officer’s primary responsibilities are administering public access functions; resolving disputes; handling ARB complaints, comments, and suggestions; providing public information; presenting reports to the board of directors; and assisting the local administrative district law judge.

A taxpayer liaison officer is responsible for receiving and compiling a list of comments, complaints, and suggestions filed by chief appraisers, property owners, or their agents concerning matters listed in the ARB’s hearing procedures or any other matter related to the fairness and efficiency of the ARB. The taxpayer liaison officer must forward to the Comptroller’s office all comments and suggestions received outside of the Comptroller’s electronic ARB survey no later than December 31 of each year.